NPI Code, as it can be said, National Provider Identifier Standard Code is basically a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) based code. NPI is a different and unique identification number that is solely developed for healthcare providers. It is a 10-digit number that helps in identifying the healthcare professionals.

This implies that these numbers do not hold other information about healthcare providers like demographic location or medical specialty. It is generally used in place of legacy provider identifies under the HIPAA standards.

We, at MedicoReach, aim to offer you a list of NPI Codes that help the healthcare community come in close connection and improve its network. The prime concern as healthcare service providers that we had was how to increase connectivity and instant approaching skills. With this code lookup for healthcare, you can know different professionals from the same background and can extend a hand for business opportunities.

These NPI Codes keep a layer of transparency of occupation and do not waste time in collecting any extra information. Any venture of people who are in alignment with the healthcare providers and claim to be healthcare professionals are eligible to have their NPI Codes. In case you are a HIPAA provider, you may need an NPI Code, which is why this has become an ongoing demanded one.

All individuals and companies who come under the definition of NPI as known as 45 CFR 190.
We at MedicoReach aspire to bring a lookup table of the National Provider Identifier Standard Code that connects one professional to many others. This eases the role of digital marketing campaigns and gets instant approach and engagement.

Other services we offer at MedicoReach!

At MedicoReach, we have a huge range of healthcare data services. These services are not confined to one demographic location but of a global network (such as North America, South America, Latin America, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Oceania.) Some of them are as mentioned below:

  • All Types of Physicians Email List
  • All Types of Nurses Email List
  • All Types of Pharmacists Email List
  • All Types of Dentists Email List
  • All Types of Medical Services Facility Email List
  • All Types of Medical Device Manufacturers Email List

With more than 100+ email list at disposal, we strive to offer nothing less than perfection!

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    Disclaimer :

    The information provided here at Medicoreach has been provided “AS IS” and in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and e-FOIA amendments.

    The NPI Enumerator can be reached at (800) 465-3203 or P.O. Box 6059, Fargo, ND 58108. We do not guarantee the accuracy and/or reliability of the contents found on this website. Anyone may request NPI and other healthcare provider data from the HHS under the FOIA.

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